Hadoop入门教程 基础概念 数据分析的类别: 离线分析(Batch Processing) 实时分析(Real Time Processing / Streaming) 机器学习(Machine Learning
Flink Print Table Data It’s a simple example to print table data in Flink. String printSink = "CREATE TABLE print_sink (\n" + " id INT,\n"
Flink Sink to ClickHouse with Table API with Connector Build flink-connector-clickhouse Get the code: git clone git@github.com:itinycheng/flink-conne
Flink Read CSV and Sink to Parquet File 1. Setup Environment Prerequisites Apache Flink 1.16.3 installed JDK 11 installed Maven or Gradle for dependen
安装Zookeeper和Kafka集群 本文介绍如何安装Zookeeper和Kafka集群。为了方便,介绍的是在一台服务器上的安装,实际应该安装在多台服务器
简介在文章《Apache Beam入门及Java SDK开发初体验》中大概讲了Apapche Beam的简单概念和本地运行,本文将讲解如何把代码运行在GCP Cloud Dataflow上。本地运行通过maven命令来创建项目:mvn archetype:generate \ -Darchet