
Kafka详解 Kafka概述 Kafka 是一个开源的分布式流处理平台和消息队列,最初由LinkedIn开发并开源。它具有高吞吐量、低延迟、可水平扩

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2024-08-05


Hadoop入门教程 基础概念 数据分析的类别: 离线分析(Batch Processing) 实时分析(Real Time Processing / Streaming) 机器学习(Machine Learning

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-08-10

Google Cloud Platform tutorial

Google Cloud Platform tutorial Start Free Trial GCP provides $300 for free trial, I will show how to apply for it. Go to cloud.google.com and click Ge

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-06-16

Performance Test With JMeter Distributed Testing (Step-By-Step Guide)

Performance Test With JMeter Distributed Testing (Step-By-Step Guide) Concepts of Performance Test Performance testing is a type of software testing t

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-05-16

开发了一个Java库的Google Bard API,可以自动化与AI对话了

开发了一个Java库的Google Bard API,可以自动化与AI对话了 Google Bard是Google提供的还在实验阶段的人工智能对Ŧ

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-25

Java Library for Google Bard to Ask Questions and Receive Answers

Java Library for Google Bard to Ask Questions and Receive Answers Google Bard is Google’s experimental, conversational, AI chat service. It is meant t

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-25

《Terraform 101 从入门到实践》 Terraform在公有云GCP上的应用

《Terraform 101 从入门到实践》这本小册在南瓜慢说官方网站和GitHub两个地方同步更新,书中的示例代码也是放在GitHub上

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-01-13

《Terraform 101 从入门到实践》 前言

Terraform 101 从入门到实践Terraform作为基础设施即代码(Infrastructure as Code,很简称IaC)的事实标准,非常值得大家学习。但Terraform本身发展是比较快的,国内的资料也相对较少,所以我整理了我的学习心得,希望可以帮助到大家。因此,我做了一个决定,将

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2022-01-13

How to Pass the Terraform Associate Certificate Exam

1 What is TerraformTerraform is an IaC(Infrastructure as Code) tool, it helps to manage the infra like VM, Database, MQ by code.As one of the most fam

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2021-12-18

Manage Terraform State on Google Cloud Storage(GCS)

It's a best pratice to manage Terraform state on central storage like GCS for GCP.We need to create a Bucket to store the state files:$ gsutil mb -p p

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2021-11-14